Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

As per feedback received the residents of my society are mostly using the application and find it very useful and easy. We are now bringing visitor management on the residents APP too. Have taken SocietyConnect to our second society now and hoping as more and more features increase we can incorporate for all our residents and they like to be. The society shall deemed to be dissolved by General body with 4/5 th of its majority or the General body through resolution shall merge the society with anot her society having similar aims and objects but with a 4/5 th majority vote of General body. Certified that this is the true and correct copy of the original. (27)' society ' means a co-operative society registered, or deemed to be registered, under this Act; (28) “society with limited liability ' means a society having the liability of its members limited by its by-laws; (29) ' society with unlimited liability '. means a society, the members of which.ire, in the event of its being wound up. (xviii) ‘Major Repair Funds’ means a Fund created by the society and constituted under Bye-law No. 13 (b), for the purpose of Major Repairs including Plastering, building of compound wall, pavement, total painting, reconstruction. (xix) ‘Municipal Act’ means the Maharashtra Municipalities Act 1965 (Mah.

About G. D. C. & A. Exam Date, Last Date of Form Filling etc. Click Here For Online Application Click Here. GDC & A Management Of Co-Operative Housing. Auditing (Paper-4) Marathi. Author: Pradeep Chambule, Discount: 10%, CoverType: Paperback, Shipping Rs: Free.. Rs Rs Add to Cart. I want to apply for GDCA exam in May next year. I want fully syllabus for this exam and recommended books for this exam study. Also, give me.

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Date of upcoming GDCA exam.

González de Cossío Abogados, S.C.

The goal of the author may be epitomized in the final paragraph: Gdcaa enter confirm password Password and confirm password does not match.

So, this is wrong forum to ask this question. Maharashtra, India — Phone: Although the importance of the Rule of Law is clear, sadly, the objective has largely been unfulfilled. Popular Topics Society bye-laws Society Rules Housing society Bye-law Society consultant Housing society consultant Irregularities in cooperative housing societies Discrimination in society Complaint against society Society Management Unfair committee decision Maintenance charges Gcca Management Committee Housing Society Lawyer Rented flat Housing Society Manager Society Lawyer Society formation consultant Society parking Society Manger Bbooks Parking planning Society formation Housing society formation Complaint against builder Car parking charges Society share certificate Its causes and effects are aplenty.

I want to know if I want to start consultancy for society workingwhat is the procedure.

Management of cooperative housing societies – By Dr. This tome analyzes this interesting but complicated field of international investment law dwelling into the issues stemming from recent arbitration awards. Please enter email address Please enter valid email address. Auditing – By Meera Govindaraj 4. Its purpose is identifying issues that have obstacled what should otherwise be a mutually enforcing and fluid relation.

What is GDCA examination syllabus? Law is an effort to improve reality. Advice from society ggdca. Arbitration, a mechanism increasingly preferred to solve disputes in different fields, has conquered yet another field: To do so, the author performs a concise yet profound comment on cases carefully selected to illustrate the different subtleties of said arbitration institution.

It is an extensive study seeking to foster a debate that need take place in Mexico and Latin America, particularly given the bookx international scene. Arbitration is a dispute settlement method as antique as law itself. How can I get that?

Currently, most all of the arbitration law of the international community provide for arbitration as the ideal method of solving international disputes, particularly in the business milieu, as well as other public and private fields.

We Run Societies

Without it, only the law of the jungle would exist. Do you have any question?

At the outset, the salient characteristics of arbitration are canvassed, followed by the subjects that have, from the Mexican perspective, proven difficult. This portal is related to cooperative housing societies legal issues. Login with Google Login with Facebook. What is GDCA syllabus?

exam paper set of GDC&A Exam

What is the exam date? Theory and History of cooperation 3. With realistic examples and an international projection, this work performs a study of the following issues: Notwithstanding its recent publication this book has become the standard source of reference in Mexican and other Latin American jurisdictions.

In performing said task this work makes important assessments and proposals aimed at exploring the reciprocal and important link between Law and Economics. A frequently neglected variety is discussed in this essay: Please enter last name. In its second edition, Competencia becomes a treatise. What is the fee structure? GDCA registration details and syllabus?

Most Related

  • Format for Registration of a society is under the Indian Society Registration Act, 1860.
  • There is a Registrar of society is for each district, application for registration is to be filed before him.
  • For a central society, the registration is from the central government.
  • Only registered society is a legal entity hence the registration is mandatory.
  • NGO can be formed only after registration of the society.
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The name of the society shall be ( Giver the name of the society)



The aims and Objects of the Society, for which the same is established, are as under:

i. To provide sound education to the children of all communities irrespective of their race, religions, cast or creed in general and to prepare them to become mature and responsible citizens of the country through the all round physical intellectual, academic, mental and spiritual development based on values derived from the life.

ii. To start establish, run take over, or manage and maintain schools, with an object secondary senior secondary, and higher education to children by seeking recognition and affiliation from the education departments and concerned Government authorities.

iii. To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid and help in the setting up the different kinds of schools, colleges, lecture halls and other establishments or institutions for advancement of education and of knowledge in arts, science, literature, humanities and all the useful subjects in all their manifestations.

iv. To arrange and manage the training institutions in Typing, Shorthand, Computer information technology, Fine Arts, Craft, Music, Painting, Modeling, Yoga, Physical Education and in their professional training subjects.

v. To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities of Awareness Programs, Adult Education Classes, Lectures, Essay Competitions Exhibitions, Symposium, Cultural programs, Press Conference and Seminars.

vi. To provide food, clothing, medical aid stationery, transportations, libraries, laboratories, reading room, hostels play ground swimming pool and other required facilities to the students and also to the members of the society.

vii. To establish and manage various kinds of Educational, Vocational, Industrial, Agricultural, Research and framing Institutions to introduce and develop the professional courses and also to arrange/provide all kinds of educational facilities to the students, scholars, trainees and to other needy candidates.

viii. To establish, and to the develop such out of school activity centers for the children of the under privilege class/section of society where they could have the benefits and joy of participating in sports, games artistic activities, like clay and wood work, music, dance, painting and also organize educational trips.

ix. To institute scholarships and help to deserving students and to institute and award prizes, in recognition of excellence in academic performance of students.

x. To meet traveling, boarding and lodging expenses for the students going abroad for higher education and also help them in all possible ways.

xi. To promote fine art, crafts among the public including establishment and maintenance of Shilpa Shikshalayas, Kala Kendras (relating to music, dance & modeling) etc.

xii. To follow the ideology of great men and National Leaders who scarified their lives for the causes of depressed, deprived, SC & STs, and other community/backward classes, minority groups and for other needy people.

xiii. To provide free concessional education to the poor, helpless and needy children/students.

xiv. To engage, employ or hire appropriate staff, workers, legal or other professionals, attorneys, managers and Agents for the Work and furtherance of the aims and objects of the society and to pay their wages, salaries stipends or fees.

xv. To receive financial assistance (in the shape of loan or otherwise) from Government, Non-Government organizations, banks or any other legal entity or individual on reasonable terms and conditions.

xvi. To borrow or receive money (with interest or without interest) and upon such terms and condition as are approved by the Government body of the society.

xvii. To accept donations, grants, presents and other offerings (in the shape of movable or immovable properties) and the same shall be utilized by the promotion of aims and objects of the Society.

xviii. To raise funds and resource for the attainment of any of the aims and objects of the society by all lawful means including investment of the funds, donation, fundraising campaigns, cultural programs, sale of literature, property development, rent from the building etc.

xix. To conduct research in education and other discipline with different subjects relating to education.

xx. To arrange and organize social, cultural, educational and child welfare programs/activities from time to time.

xxi. To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazine, periodicals, newspapers and other publications on different subjects and in different languages.

xxii. To conduct coaching classes for preparation of the various competitive examinations.

xxiii. To make correspondences in lawful manner to solve the problems of the society like recognition of the schools/ institutions engaged by the above society.

xxiv. To erect, construct, after maintain, sell/lease, mortgage, transfer improve, manage and/or develop all or any part of the property/ building of the society for attainment of Aims and objects of the Society.

xxv. To purchase/acquired land for different establishments and to construct building/Mandir thereon for the cause of society.

xxvi. To purchase construct the building, hostels, houses or structures and/or modify, renovate the building or alter such existing buildings as may be necessary for the purpose of the society and to maintain such building in good condition.

xxvii. To purchase or hire permanently or temporarily and vehicle or vehicles for transportations of the students and those buildings in good conditions.

xxviii. To do or perform any other act which may be incidental or completive to the attainment of any of the object of the above society.

xxix. To arrange and organize Durga Pooja, Religions Functions, Bhajan Kirtan etc. from time to time.

xxx. To approach concerned authorities regarding the solution of problems of the society or the problems of the Bengali Community General Public.

xxxi. To provide social-economic help/assistance to poor and needy people.

xxxii. To provide free medical aid and start Charitable Hospital//Dispensary for the General Welfare of General public.

xxxiii. To arrange activities for the safety of wild animals, and to make improvement in the safety of the wild animals and to show mercy towards them.

xxxiv. To provide electricity and water facilities in locality.

xxxv. To make arrangements for the roads in the rural area of the locality and to approach the concerned authorities to regularize the colonies and to make the ___________ in the locality.

xxxxvi. To arouse the general public towards the aids and to inform the general people about the dangerous decreases of the aids and to make arrangement for safety of the same.

Note: This only a suggested Format For Registration Of A Society containing the main objectives, other objectives can also be inserted.

All the income, earning, movable & immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects as set for in the memorandum of association. No profit on there of shall be paid or transferred directly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or future members of the society or any person, ____________ through any one or more of the present of the future members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of this membership.


1. To receive and collect any gift subscriptions and donation either in cash or in any kind of acquired by any other lawful ways and means and spend the same in fulfillment of all or in any of the aims and objects of the Society. The income and property(s) of the Society shall be applied solely for the promotion and fulfillment of the aims and objects of the Society provided if any donor intends that the contributions donations or subscriptions shall be applied to attain any particular objects of the society such contributions donations and subscriptions shall be spent towards the promotions of that particular objects only.

2. To acquire by purchase take on lease hire or by gift and hold any movable or immovable properties of any rights or privileges that may be deemed necessary or useful for the advancement of the objects of the society.

3. The income earnings, movable and immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the society or to any person claiming through anyone of more of the present or past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profits whatsoever by virtue of his membership.

Note: Besides the aforesaid ancillary objects, other objects can also be inserted in the Format For Registration Of A Society as per the requirements.


The names, addresses, occupations, and Designations of the present members of the Governing Body to whom the Management of the Society is entrusted to required to under Section 2 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi are as follows:

Society bye laws 2019 in marathi pdf free download free



2.Vice President

3.General Secretary


5.Executive Member

6. Executive Member

7. Executive Member


We the undersigned are desirous of forming a Society named _______________________ Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association.

ATTENTION: This part can also be downloaded from the Format For Registration Of A Society and amended suitably.






5. Executive Member

6. Executive Member

7. Executive Member

RULES AND REGULATIONS OF “___________________________


The membership of the society is open to any person or persons who has attained the age of majority and fulfills the terms and conditions of the society without discrimination of the religion, caste, color or creed but subject to the approval of the Governing Body. If the membership is refused to a certain person or persons the reason of refusal shall be commentated to the concerned person.

Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

(This is only as a part of the Format For Registration Of A Society, the same can be downloaded and amended suitably)


(i) The admission fees will be Rs.1100/- at the time of admission.

(ii) The life member shall pay the amount of Rs.5,100/- in lump-sum to the society and will be entitled to cast the vote.

(iii) The Members will pay Rs.100/- per year but will not be entitled to cast the vote.

(iv) Any office bearer or member of the society will have to pay the life Membership of Rs.5100/-.

(v) The ordinary member shall have to pay Rs.50/- per year as a subscription but will not be entitled to cast the vote.


Only the life Member, as well as the governing body members, shall be eligible to cast the vote and to elect/or appoint the New Governing Body, etc.


The Governing Body shall have the powers to expel a member from the Society on the following terms and conditions:

a) By no-confidence motion passed by 1/3rd majority of votes in the General Body meeting.

b) Non-payment of subscriptions continuously for three months from the due date.

c) On his/her written resignation.

d) He/she has not attended the three consecutive meetings of the General Body without any intimation.

The reason for the termination of the membership shall be communicated to the member concerned.

e) On ceasing to be an owner.


All the appeals should be referred to the General Body of the Society. The decision of the General Body shall be final. The reason for rejection shall be communicated to the member concerned.


In case a member is expelled by the General Body the same can be re-admitted provided the member concerned pays all up to date dues, the decision of the General Body shall be final this clause is applicable to the only clause 3(b).


The Governing Body shall consist of all members and office bearers as under:

( This is only a Format For Registration Of A Society as per our draft, however, the same can be modified suitably)

i. President: One

ii. Vice President: One

iii. General Secretary: One

iv. Treasurer: One

v. Members: from 3 to 16


The bank account of the Society shall be operated by the Treasurer and anyone out of the General Secretary and the President. ( There can be other changes from the Format For Registration Of A Society as given by us on this page)


All the members of the Society will consist of the General Body.


a) To consider any business brought forward by the Governing Body.

b) There shall be an annual meeting of the General Body in the month of March every year.

c) Not less than 15 days prior notice shall be given to the members before the date of general body meetings enclosing the agenda specifying the time, date, place and the quorum shall be 1/3rd.

d) Not less than 24 hours prior notice shall be given to the members in case of emergent meeting.


i) Admission fee.

ii) Subscriptions

iii) Donations and special contributions.

The income of the Society received from all sources will be utilized only for the promotion of the aims and objects. ( The MOA can contain other sources as well)


The strength of the Governing Body shall not be less than 7, and not more than 21. The meetings of the Governing Body shall be held as and when necessary for which 15 days clear notice shall be required and the quorum shall be 1/3rd.


The General Body in its annual meeting will elect its office bearers and members after two years by show of hands or by secret ballot papers. However, the same may be nominated, unanimously with one-third majority in the interest of the Society. The quorum of the General Body and the Governing Body shall be 1/3rd. The election details of the Society will be submitted, in the office of the Registrar of Societies, Delhi immediately after the election held by the Society.


a) To arrange finance if required from other Bank(s). Institutions or Individuals on reasonable terms and conditions and the Governing Body as a whole shall be liable for its return.

b) The Governing Body shall make a plan for the future programs of the Society.

c) To publish literature and to propagate the system to approach the public pertaining to the upliftment of the status of the Society.

d) To appoint, terminate and fix the duties of any staff.

e) The Governing body shall meet at least once in three months.

f) To accept, donations, charities, loans, grants properties, etc. from public other associations, Agencies, Govt. Department in the interest and for the promotion of aims and objectives of the Society.


All the income of the Society shall be deposited in the Nationalized or any other scheduled bank.


The Society shall maintain at its Registered office, a Register of its members and shall enter therein the following particulars:

a) The names and addresses of the Society’s members.

b) The date on which the member was admitted.

c) The date on which a member ceased on such membership.


All and every member of the Society:

a) Shall have one vote at every meeting.

b) Shall be entitled to participate in the meeting and the gathering of the Society.

c) Shall have the right to inspect the books of accounts, minutes of proceedings of the General Body meeting working day during business hours and giving reasonable notice.

d) Shall be bound by the Rules and Regulations and/or bye-laws which may be framed from time to time.

e) To administer the oath of the office and loyalty of the Society and/or to its constitution, to the President.


The casual vacancies may be filled up by the resolution passed by both the Governing Body and the General Body. Till the further election will be held by the Society.



a) He shall supervise all works and activities done by other office bearers of the Society.

b) He will be the head of the Society and preside over the meetings of the General Body and the Governing Body. He will have the right of the casting of votes in case of a tie.


In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall enjoy all powers and duties which are entrusted to the President. He will also help and assist the President in his work.


a) To convene all the meeting of the Association;

b) To attend to all the correspondence;

c) To maintain a complete and proper record of the Association and regulations framed thereunder;

d) To attend a register of members and minutes book;

e) To submit the required returns and notices to the Registrar of Societies, as prescribed by law;

f) To submit a report on the working of the Association as and when required;

g) To transact such other business as may be deemed necessary and entrusted to him by the Governing body.


He shall keep accounts of all receipts and expenditure of the society and to furnish the necessary information to the Governing Body from time to time. He is sanctioned to keep with him/her Rs.5,000/- and the balance amount will be deposited in the Nationalized Bank.

16. AUDIT:

The account of the Society shall be audited at least once in a year by a qualified auditor appointed by the Governing Body.


The financial year of the Society shall start from 1st day of April to 31st day of March every year.


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The Tenure of the Governing Body shall be two years.


Any amendment in the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations of Society will be carried out in accordance with section 12 and 12-A of Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.


The Governing Body, when deems it advisable to alter, extend or abridge or to amalgamates such society, may submit the proposition to the members in a written or printed report and may convene a special meeting, for which 10 days notice is necessary. The proposition shall have effect only if it is agreed to by the votes of three-fifths of the members delivered in person or by proxy and confirmed by the votes of three-fifths of the members present at a second special meeting convened by the Governing body at an interval of one month after the former meeting


The Society may sue or be sued in the name of the President as per provisions laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.


These shall be framed by the Governing committee from time to time in view of new developments and the same shall be got approved by the General Body.


Any judgment of the court shall be recovered against the property of the Association only and not against the property movable or immovable of a person or officer named on behalf of the Association.


Once in every year, a list of the office bearers and members of the Governing body shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies, Delhi as required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.


If the Society needs to be dissolved it shall be dissolved as per provisions laid down under Section 13 and 14 of Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.



All the provisions under all the sections of Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi shall apply to this Society.


Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Society.





The Registrar of Society
Respected Sir,
I the applicant, am submitting herewith the necessary documents in respect of Registration of the above-named society such as:





It is, therefore, requested that the above-named association/society may please be registered under Societies Registration Act 1860, as applicable.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully


Note: This letter can be used Format For Registration Of A Society as per the requirements.

The Registrar of Societies,
Subject: Regarding the Registration of Society named ———————.

Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free Download Torrent

Respected Sir,

The necessary documents for registration of above-named society are submitted herewith. You are requested to register the above-named society under Section 2 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and issue the Registration Certificates as early as possible and oblige.

Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free Download

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Society Bye Laws 2019 In Marathi Pdf Free Download Pdf

Dated: President

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